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Hammer On!

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Additional Notes for "Dance of the Hours"
Written by: Amilcare Ponchielli
Arranged by: Mark Wade
Audio Sample: MP3 Format
Mark: 17/16/8 ~Cloud Nine~ Dulcimer
Randy: 17/16/8 ~Cloud Nine~ Dulcimer
Dan: D600 Dusty Strings Dulcimer
Robert: 17/16/8 ~Cloud Nine~ Dulcimer
Mark's Song Notes: "From Amilcare Ponchielli's ballet, La Gioconda, to Disney's Fantasia, to 'Hello Mother, Hello Father,' this tune received its deepest, yet most creative fracture in our setting as a dulcimer quartet. In between the graceful ballerina tip-toe verses, we decided to have a little fun and stomp around a bit with a couple of blazing improvisational passes. In the quartet, Dan is the 'Boom,' Robert is the 'Chuck,' Mark is the melody and Randy is the soprano dulcimer that echoes."

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